Sunday, June 03, 2007

Costa Rica Real Estate

Costa Rica Real Estate

Friday, August 11, 2006

Costa Rica Real Estate

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Real Estate and Investment in Costa Rica

For those of you who visited Costa Rica a couple of times and are interested in buying a second home, retiring or just
investing in Costa Rica we have started uploading lots of great real estate listings to our website. Commercial, homes, beach
villas, condo's, farms and many other type of Real Estate are now available on As you probably heard the
market is booming. Financing is easily available to U.S. citizens and it makes investing in Costa Rica even more attractive

Just two weeks ago we found out about two beautiful farms of 20 hectares and 13 hectares located just 25 minutes
south of Jaco Beach for $15,000 per hectare, that's only $1.5 per square meter. We also have a small house on a lot in
Esterillos Centro beach (100 yards from the shore line) for $50,000?

We also have available new condo projects going on in Jaco Beach and Manuel Antonio.

Click on the following link to check what is available
and don't hesitate to contact us for any inquiry.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Costa Rica Hotels, vacations costa rica, Maps, Tours, vacation rentals and packages

Costa Rica Hotels, vacations costa rica, Maps, Tours, vacation rentals and packages

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Travel To Costa Rica

Costa Rica Travel Tips

Some Travel Tips
If you know some Spanish, use it.
Costa Rica has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, but not all are safe for swimming. It is strongly recommended not to pass the spot where the wave breaks if you are not able to touch the ground with your feet. If you feel you are drifting into the sea with a current it is highly advised to stay calm and not to panic. Let the current take you to calm water and then swim calmly to shore. DON'T fight the current!!! people had drowned down here because they got exhausted swimming against the current- Fast current leads to Calm Water.
Bring a photocopy of your passport. Carry the copy with you leaving the original in a safe place.
San Jose is the crime capital. Try not to look too rich? don?t show of your flashy jewelry and take only the money you will need for the day. Keep track of your purse, wallet and backpack.
In general, cars do not yield to other cars or pedestrians.
Costa Rica is not your hometown; respect the locals? privacy and customs.
Smile and be Happy, you are in PURA VIDA (pure life) land.
Taxes & TippingBy law, all hotels are required to include 13% sales tax and 3% tourism tax on all room charges. In restaurants, a 10% gratuity is added to the check. As in most countries, it is the custom to leave an extra tip for good service. Tour guides, hotel bellboys and maids generally receive a tip for their services. There is an airport departure tax of approximately $25.00 per person.

any help on booking a hotel or a car rental please visit